Tuesday, 2 November 2004
Now Playing: rantradio again
Hi...I'm not dead...although looking at the site you might think so. New job, new life, no time...you know the story.
Anyway, as a sidenote, I've decided to brush up on my programming skills and one of the things I decided to learn was how to build Windows Programs. I've always
hated Microsoft, but since most of my friends use it I
have to build for Windows...(sure as hell beats lugging
a laptop around to show off my toyz)
As I learn, my hatred grows more intense...why? Well,
let me show you. We'll use "Hello World" as an example.
In order to write "Hello World!" to a command line, you'd use the following C++ code:
// Short, sweet, stupid
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
int main(int nNumberofArgs, char* pszArgs[])
cout << "\nHello, World!\n";
return 0;
Now, to do the same thing in Windows takes about 90 lines of code, four or five times as long and a hell
of a lot more disk space...
again I say...fsck microsoft.
Posted by misprintproductions
at 9:24 PM EST
Thursday, 21 October 2004
Poor, Angry, and Tired
don't ask
Now Playing: www.rantradio.com
Topic: "Rock the Vote"...or not
We regret to inform anyone looking foward to seeing us at the Rock the Vote on Oct. 23rd, that due to familial obligations, financial concerns, and time restraints, we will not be able to attend the show at a professional level. We encourage all to see the many great bands, and if someone from the site can make it, we'll post a review shortly.
We'd like to personally thank Chad of All Ages for inviting us to be a part of this wonderful event, and sincerely apologize for our failure to attend.
We hope that anyone reading this will take the time to go and see the bands, see the various groups and people that are going to be represented, and most importantly have a good time.
-BMF IT Ninja Misprint Productions
Posted by misprintproductions
at 2:34 PM EDT
Wednesday, 20 October 2004
Now Playing: www.rantradio.com
So, here I am, after building the server for our website, and after transferring some of the future site over to it, I decided that I wanted to redesign my laptop so I could play with the radio station, not to mention build a small studio out of my room. So, after installing from recovery media, getting Pro-Tools installed, and finally getting Winblows set up the way I wanted it, I shut it off and went over to Sam's. Then of course I turned it on, and what does it do...nothing...that's right...absolutely fucking nothing! It would die in the middle of the boot, and no cool f8 trick would work. Frustrated, (this being my second attempt to run the "more user-friendly OS" in a two day period) I have decided that if I can't do it with *nix or other Open Source software, I just don't care. To hell with Windows. Currently my laptop is running off of a Hard Drive install of Knoppix-STD (the only disk I had on me), and most imaging and sound I do is now being done with a dyne:bolic live CD...
I hate blue screens.
Now for the good news. I'm going to the rock the vote on the 23rd, (though I may be late), and I hope we get to see you there...
Posted by misprintproductions
at 9:03 PM EDT
Tuesday, 19 October 2004
OUR STUFF WILL BE CRAPPY and in small amounts
hug me
Now Playing: um it's muted
Topic: News for this week...
'sup, Lt Dan here, just got the flier in for the rock the vote thing going on this week end. I'll be there will you???
![](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v353/delanisdjd/rockthevote.jpg) Misprint productions
Posted by misprintproductions
at 2:40 AM EDT
Thursday, 14 October 2004
Underground Network Alternative Communication
Now Playing: Anti Flag - Underground Network Alternative Communication
Topic: heh...
Just a short message to celebrate...Last night Misprint Radio was on the air for approx 20 minutes. This was an experiment to test feasibility and hardware issues. The test went off without a hitch which makes our goal even closer than we thought... The song that was repeated in the test? All Ages, track 6 of their demo. Now we need a computer to host the station full time. IF ANYONE HAS ANY OLD EQUIPMENT TO DONATE, LET US KNOW AT misprint@gmail.com !
Posted by misprintproductions
at 6:42 PM EDT
Wednesday, 13 October 2004
Now Playing: Gregorian Chant
I just got notice from Rantech that the server is ready to go online. What does this mean? Well, the hardware is ready and able to go...all we're waiting for now is an updated web connection to allow us to operate it. (hell, it's running my house network pretty nice)
REALLY KICK ASS NEWS UPDATE THAT R0XX0RS!!! -------------------------------------------
Through experimentation and escapism of the life he calls hell, Lt. Dan has begun to design the web broadcast. We hope to have that soon, but it will be fairly limited in scope until our bandwidth issues are solved...hell yeah! So far on the playlist...
All Ages Rinker Undividual Downcast
If you have a band that has a song that doesn't suck send it to us at misprint@gmail.com
Posted by misprintproductions
at 8:29 PM EDT
Monday, 11 October 2004
on fire
Topic: News for this week...
I know that if you're reading this, you're probably thinking to yourself, "what the hell happened to those guys?!" Never fear, we're still around. We started to work on a redesign of the site, after nearly 6months without a change and constant problems with updates, we wanted to do something truly great with an eye toward design and usability. When the redesign was finished, we realized that the banner ads and other such advertising was ruining the design. Not only did it chafe to have a bunch of corporate crap on our site, it really sucks when you have a really great design marred by a whole bunch of "punch the monkey and win an ipod" banners. So, after pricing some of the larger hosting services, we came to the conclusion that we'd be better off with our own server. Our new server, formally a design and maintanance system, is now undergoing testing and we are shopping for an ISP that will allow us to host our own damn site. When it's all said and done, we will only be limited by the size of our hard drives...heh. Just so you know the specs on the server... It's an old AMD K6 tower w over 300 megs of RAM, several hard drives, and running all Open Source Software.
Changes in the site: --------------------
1) From this point, all news updates will be posted on this blog weekly.
2) As you can tell from the front page the site is definately going to look quite different.
3) As soon as our server is online, we will have some video and audio to download highlighting independant artists and musicians.
In the future: --------------
With the webserver finished and currently undergoing testing, we will soon be building a Shoutcast Server with the intent of providing streaming audio to our listeners. If you know anyone willing to donate bandwidth to our cause, please let us know.
Thanx: ------
First and foremost, I'd like to thank our readers for bearing with us.
crypto for putting up with me
punxcreature for the rhetoric (I know, it's an old handle, but it seems more fitting than anything else.)
All of the bands that have been supportive, notably, Rinker, Undividual, Tough Call, A-T-M, All Ages, thanxforn0thing, ...so does plastic, No cameras, and any others I forgot to mention...my sincerest apologies.
Our families
And of course special thanx to: ~los, kris, and Nate for helping out when times got thin.
I guess that's it for this update...peace.
Posted by misprintproductions
at 9:11 PM EDT
Saturday, 9 October 2004
Now Playing: Rage Against the machine - Guerilla Radio (figures right?)
Topic: thpppppppppt!!
Well, as you can tell we're working on a new look, a new feel, and about a few dozen new things in the background. We are actually about to start getting merch that should be available just in time for the christmas season (yaaay), and remember, nothing quite says Merry Christmas like a t-shirt with a positive slogan like "Your kid has my eyes..."
We're currently in the processs of moving misprint to our own webserver, designed and constructed out of bubble gum and an old NES by the hardware junkies out of Rantech Industries. We'd also like to announce that our servers are proudly devoid of any Micro$haft software, and with any luck should be on-line approx Nov. 15 of this year. What does this mean? Well, first off, no ads, no cookies, no bs. Next, no bandwidth limits, so we can do whatever we want, put up as much video and audio as we want, which we will be doing shortly. As soon as this project is completed we will be building a shoutcast server so we can stream independant music and thought to the masses.
Again, any help is appreciated, so if you want to help, just write us at misprint@gmail.com
I'm going to get some Dew...
oh, and you should check out 8BT theater here at www.nuklearpower.com
Posted by misprintproductions
at 1:17 PM EDT
Saturday, 2 October 2004
I hate life
don't ask
Do i really need to add anything
Posted by misprintproductions
at 12:52 AM EDT
Friday, 1 October 2004
Where the bad things are...
Now Playing: I swear it's not Cradle of Filth
I'm fucking bored...
Posted by misprintproductions
at 12:45 AM EDT
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